Saturday, June 4, 2011

WWE Smackdown Results, Questions and Comments... LIVE! 6/3/2011

A week ago, Smackdown culminated with a triple-threat for the number one contendership to the Randy Orton held World Heavyweight Championship. Sheamus gets the title shot at the upcoming pay per view, and the June 3rd edition of Smackdown starts the direct build-up to the match....

...and GuysNation is here to cover it!

That's right, just like every week, with both RAW and Smackdown (and occasionally the product formerly known as TNA Impact), I'll be your tour guide to a night of wrestling, whether you're watching or just reading or just interested in the infamous polls.

Also what we expect to see tonight:

- the continuation of the battle between Zeke Jackson and The Corre, with the end-goal being a pay per view title match between he and Wade Barrett.

- something between Sin Cara and Chavo Guerrero

- Daniel Bryan and Cody Rhodes interacting

What else? Smackdown is about to start, and since I don't read spoilers, we'll see what they taped earlier this week!

Christian's music hits, and he's going to kick off the show... in a match.

Match - Mark Henry vs Christian

So I didn't get a good look at Christian's shirt, but for some reason I think it has a map of New Mexico on the back of it.

Mark Henry doesn't have a shirt, because he'd need fabric almost the size of New Mexico to cover his back!

Outcome - Christian wins with his Killswitch move, proving he's the #2 contender, though he's not likely to get the belt back anytime soon.

After the match, Christian does what he does best, grabs a microphone and speaks to the Peeps.

He does a good job at building up Mark Henry, claiming he's a legit contender, and that's something other wrestlers should take note of. If you diss your opponent, then why should we be impressed about the victory?

Christian recaps what happened last week at the end of his match with Sheamus and Mark Henry, a welcomed thing for those of us who had a power failure... And because Christian says he should've won last week, he's asking for one more shot.

Teddy Long's music interrupts, and in addition to wearing an outfit that Orville Reddenbacher and Colonel Sanders would be proud of, he agrees with Christian being a "victim of circumstance".

Christian takes a poll and the fans agree that Christian should be the No. 1 contender, not Sheamus, but the poll doesn't matter, because Teddy's not going to change the top challenger to Randy Orton.

Because he can't have the top spot, Christian asks for the World Title match to be a triple-threat match... but instead, Teddy Long makes Christian the special guest referee. Christian isn't happy about the decision, and at this point he better hope that he works his way into the pay per view match (which is probably a better pay day anyway)

We now get a video recap depicting the times Sheamus has dominated people... and because that sort of thing doesn't play well in textual recaps... I'm done talking about it.

Diva's Tag Match: AJ & Kaitlyn vs Tamina & Alicia Fox

Apparently Natalya Neidhart has taken Kaitlyn & AJ under her wing... and her last minute advice is not to lose.

Honesty, I don't care what the story is, I'm just happy to see Kaitlyn in the ring, wearing those shorts and that low-cut...

Sorry, there's a match going on here.

So here's a question to anyone who watched it... the hurricanrana-style move by AJ... was it a botched move or did she do something innovative by not flipping all the way around?

Outcome: Tamina gets the pin over Kaitlyn & AJ and becomes the first person to win a match by Samoan Drop since Tatanka made his last return to televised competition.

Sin Cara hype video time... and yet again, it's not something that works well in written recaps.

Time for Cody Rhodes, and after we get a recap of what happened last week, Cody is in the ring with a mic. He says that only losers say "winning isn't everything", and then he goes on to deny that he lost to Daniel Bryan last week. Apparently someone laid out on the mat with a bag over their head after a match has more to do with losing than tapping out to a submission move applied by an opponent.

The nWo is in attendance! Three members of the gang are front row, and just like everyone else, they get offered a paper bag as well.

We didn't see Daniel Bryan during this segment, but apparently later in the night, the RAW / Smackdown 2010 swap continues, as Daniel Bryan is going to face Ted DiBiase this week just like he did countless times on RAW, pay per view, Superstars and dark matches during his United States Championship reign.

Backstage, Matt Stryker wants to know why The Great Khali attacked Ranjin Singh last week... but Jinder Mahal shows up and says that if you want to talk to Khali, you should instead talk to Jinder.

Apparently they're doing something next, but all they'd say is that Khali was going to take a step towards immortality. Let's just hope it doesn't involve becoming a shiny vampire.

Sorry for the Twilight reference. I promise it'll never happen again. Not until one of the Divas are forced to pick between someone named Edward and someone named Jacob... though I can't recall a single competitor named Edward in WWE history, so that'll probably never happen.

Match - Jinder Mahal vs Yoshi Tatsu

I'm glad they picked Yoshi Tatsu as the opponent for Jinder Mahal for two reasons:

1 - his Twitter account is far more entertaining than it should be

2 - standing next to Great Khali takes away from the height of Jinder Mahal, and when he stands next to Yoshi Tatsu you really get an idea of how tall he is

Outcome - Jinder Mahal gets a win by pinfall without much resistance, using a Full Nelson style chokeslam

After the match, Jinder Mahal picks up Yoshi Tatsu and pretends to shake his hand, but then Khali locks in his head vice

As they leave the ring, Jinder Mahal is looking like spider-man, with his veins in his arms and chest popping out in almost web-like fashion

Apparently tonight we're getting an Intercontinental Championship match between Zeke Jackson and Wade Barrett, which I figured was going to wait until the pay per view. Something tells me it's not ending cleanly.

Zeke Jackson comes to the ring, and either he's got a great poker face, or he's upset about the outcome of the upcoming match.

Intercontinental Championship bout - Zeke Jackson vs Wade Barrett (c)

The champion shows up by himself, and it will be interesting to see if Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater remain backstage the entire match.

Why does every member of the roster have to be a cerebral competitor? I don't care whether it's true or not, but the announcers hyped up Zeke Jackson as having been given the opportunity to attend an Ivy League school. The guy is jacked with muscles everywhere... can't that be enough?!

I've seen several competitors do multiple German suplexes (I would've said "Chris Benoit", but I wouldn't want that to get permanently edited out of my article), and I've seen competitors do multiple vertical suplexes. Someone should tell Ezekiel Jackson and the road agent who setup this match that multiple bodyslams don't have the same effect.

Outcome - Wade Barrett gets kncoked from the ring and gets counted out while Gabriel & Slater circle the ring, and because the title doesn't change hands on count out, Barrett retains the title

After the match, Gabriel & Slater attack the challenger, who fights them off, and Wade Barrett simply walks off.

Backstage, Sheamus sees Christian and says that if it were up to him, he'd let the title match tonight be a triple threat match. Christian doesn't buy it, and he tells Sheamus just to worry about Randy Orton.

Time for the match RAW fans saw dozens of times last year...

Match - Daniel Bryan (Danielson) vs Ted DiBiase

The announcers mentioned that Ted's career got a bit sidetracked last year due to various factors, including "relationship" issues... and I'll buy into the fact that dating Maryse would hurt someone's career. I'd think Maryse's boyfriend would have a lot less energy for matches than other guys, given other physical activities.

Part the way through the match, Cody Rhodes shows up to the ringside area, and we can tentatively pencil in Daniel Bryan vs Cody Rhodes for CAPITOL PUNISHMENT.

Outcome - Daniel Bryan gets the win over Ted DiBiase by submission with the LaBell Lock

Immediately following the match, Cody Rhodes gets into the ring and starts laying the boots to Bryan, and when it becomes a two-on-one with Legacy getting the best of American Dragon, who shows up? Sin Cara, evening the odds and sending the baddies running for the hills.

Johnny Curtis apparently won NXT, and R-Truth was his PRO mentor... but apparently Curtis isn't going to get his tag title shot, so what does he do? He LITERALLY cries over spilled milk... and then dumps a half gallon of it over his own head.

He might just be the perfect tag team partner for R-Truth.

Over 20 minutes left in the show, and because there's a World Title shot still remaining, why not devote the rest of the show to it?

World Title Match - Sheamus vs Randy Orton (c)
special guest referee: Christian

Something just occurred to me: they gave the World Heavyweight Championship to Randy Orton instead of leaving it on Christian because they didn't want Smackdown to become ECW from a couple years ago. Christian, Sheamus, Mark Henry and Ezekiel Jackson as the top names on a show, fighting over the top belt? Yep, sounds like WWE-ECW to me. All they need is Kane and/or Big Show to be involved, maybe a side of Goldust and/or Yoshi Tatsu and they're good to go.

After all the entrances are done, we're now down to 15 minutes left in the show. Nice procrastinating.

Did they just give a RAW Recap in the middle of a World Heavyweight Championship match? Anyone who says RAW and Smackdown are equals is kidding themselves.

Sheamus isn't happy about Christian's officiating, so he lets him know about it by getting in his face and turning his back on Randy Orton... and when Sheamus shoves Christian, that's when Christian does what ever good former World Champion Canadian Wrestler does when he's a referee - he attacks one of the competitors, and Christian drills Sheamus in the mouth, leading directly to an RKO

Outcome - Randy Orton with the pinfall victory

After the match, Randy celebrates his successful title defense... until Christian drills him in the face with a belt shot courtesy of the World Heavyweight Championship, and his odds of getting that belt back officially tripled.

In fact, instead of giving the belt back to Orton after the match, Christian carries it with him as he heads backstage. Job well done, Captain Charisma.

Keep checking back throughout the night as this article continues to get updated. By the end of the evening, the GuysNation version of this article will have polls!

Melissa Sagemiller Roselyn Sanchez Soft Cell Beyoncé Nelly Furtado

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